Our Commitment to Blue Beauty
As inhabitants of this planet, we are
all stewards of the Earth. As a brand born off the rugged coast of northern California, we bear witness to the raw beauty and nature of the ocean. Our founders Minara and Jasmine vowed to create Mora Cosmetics to be a brand that will give back to our oceans and embrace blue beauty.
None of us can live without water, yet we are facing an extreme threat to our oceans and marine life due to plastic packaging polluting our waters, harmful chemicals that threaten our coral reefs, and the unethical harvesting of marine-based ingredients in beauty.
Our Blue Beauty Pledge
We plan to continue to improve our packaging to be blue beauty friendly, our ingredients to be marine-sustainable, and lastly, to give to charities that truly take care of our oceans, rivers, and lakes.
Our Charity Pledge
Kindness to our oceans starts with us. We pledge to donate 5% of our profits back to charities that are on the forefront of conserving our oceans so that we can enjoy them for generations to come.
Our Charity Partners
Our first charity is called Coral Gardeners. Coral Gardeners conserve coral reefs by mapping out coral reefs in danger, collecting and growing super corals, replanting these super corals to damaged areas, and documenting the survival of the transplanted coral over time.
Our next charity is SeaLegacy. SeaLegacy combines decades of experience in conservation, photography, and communications, with the latest digital and social technologies, to build a healthy future for our oceans. They know that oceans are the lifeblood of Earth and that without healthy oceans, we cannot survive.