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Protecting the Ocean and Your Beauty Routine with Multi-Use Makeup
ecoconsciousness makeup packaging sustainability

Protecting the Ocean and Your Beauty Routine with Multi-Use Makeup

By Jasmine Dayal

Do you remember the first time you saw the ocean? How about when you felt the soft warm sand between your toes? There is no...

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Vegan Makeup Doesn't Use Beeswax
ecoconsciousness sustainability vegan beauty

Vegan Makeup Doesn't Use Beeswax

By Jasmine Dayal

Beeswax is an old popular beauty ingredient. Did you know that beeswax was used as an ingredient in China as far back as 5,500 years...

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woman gardening plants
cosmetics makeup packaging sustainability

Why Sustainability Should Be Standard For Makeup Brands

By Minara El-Rahman

We pledge to reduce our beauty footprint. At Mora Cosmetics, we view ourselves as stewards of the environment. We hold ourselves accountable for our products. Not...

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